Config Manager

Base Config Manager

class optimizely.config_manager.BaseConfigManager(logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, optimizely.logger.BaseLogger]] = None, error_handler: Optional[optimizely.error_handler.BaseErrorHandler] = None, notification_center: Optional[optimizely.notification_center.NotificationCenter] = None)

Base class for Optimizely’s config manager.

abstract get_config() Optional[optimizely.project_config.ProjectConfig]

Get config for use by optimizely.Optimizely. The config should be an instance of project_config.ProjectConfig.

abstract get_sdk_key() Optional[str]

Get sdk_key for use by optimizely.Optimizely. The sdk_key should uniquely identify the datafile for a project and environment combination.

Static Config Manager

class optimizely.config_manager.StaticConfigManager(datafile: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, optimizely.logger.BaseLogger]] = None, error_handler: Optional[optimizely.error_handler.BaseErrorHandler] = None, notification_center: Optional[optimizely.notification_center.NotificationCenter] = None, skip_json_validation: Optional[bool] = False)

Config manager that returns ProjectConfig based on provided datafile.

get_config() Optional[optimizely.project_config.ProjectConfig]

Returns instance of ProjectConfig.


ProjectConfig. None if not set.

get_sdk_key() Optional[str]

Get sdk_key for use by optimizely.Optimizely. The sdk_key should uniquely identify the datafile for a project and environment combination.

Polling Config Manager

class optimizely.config_manager.PollingConfigManager(sdk_key: Optional[str] = None, datafile: Optional[str] = None, update_interval: Optional[float] = None, blocking_timeout: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, url_template: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, optimizely.logger.BaseLogger]] = None, error_handler: Optional[optimizely.error_handler.BaseErrorHandler] = None, notification_center: Optional[optimizely.notification_center.NotificationCenter] = None, skip_json_validation: Optional[bool] = False)

Config manager that polls for the datafile and updated ProjectConfig based on an update interval.

fetch_datafile() None

Fetch datafile and set ProjectConfig.

get_config() Optional[optimizely.project_config.ProjectConfig]

Returns instance of ProjectConfig. Returns immediately if project config is ready otherwise blocks maximum for value of blocking_timeout in seconds.


ProjectConfig. None if not set.

static get_datafile_url(sdk_key: Optional[str], url: Optional[str], url_template: Optional[str]) str

Helper method to determine URL from where to fetch the datafile.

  • sdk_key – Key uniquely identifying the datafile.

  • url – String representing URL from which to fetch the datafile.

  • url_template – String representing template which is filled in with SDK key to determine URL from which to fetch the datafile.


String representing URL to fetch datafile from.

  • optimizely.exceptions.InvalidInputException if

  • - One of sdk_key or url is not provided.

  • - url_template is invalid.

property is_running: bool

Check if polling thread is alive or not.

set_blocking_timeout(blocking_timeout: Optional[int | float]) None

Helper method to set time in seconds to block the config call until config has been initialized.


blocking_timeout – Time in seconds to block the config call.

set_last_modified(response_headers: CaseInsensitiveDict[str]) None

Looks up and sets last modified time based on Last-Modified header in the response.


response_headers – requests.Response.headers

set_update_interval(update_interval: Optional[int | float]) None

Helper method to set frequency at which datafile has to be polled and ProjectConfig updated.


update_interval – Time in seconds after which to update datafile.

start() None

Start the config manager and the thread to periodically fetch datafile.

stop() None

Stop the polling thread and briefly wait for it to exit.

Authenticated Datafile Polling Config Manager

class optimizely.config_manager.AuthDatafilePollingConfigManager(datafile_access_token: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Config manager that polls for authenticated datafile using access token.

fetch_datafile() None

Fetch authenticated datafile and set ProjectConfig.